Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bunny Feeder - Tray edition & Shadow edition

Hello Everyone!

After weeks and weeks of work our first item for Ozimals Bunnies is out!  It's here to help you and save you time!  Both Bunny Feeders work the same way, the difference is the design. The shadow edition will display a shadow under the food or water that is rezzed, and the tray edition can be customized to any color,shading or texture you want.

- Easy to setup
- Warning levels. (for low level of food/water).
- IM, Email or both if you want.
- Text displaying the state and food/water left.
- Free Updates and Upgrades.

Both come with a warranty card that will let you get the item again if you loose it, or just get new updates at our bunny area (inworld). So buy one rez as many as you need, they are copy, and get all the updates for free.

Check them on xstreetSL:
BF - Bunny Feeder - Shadow Edition
BF - Bunny Feeder - Tray Edition

More Items for your ozimal bunnies will be out soon, if you don't want to miss them join our subscription list. You will find a board in our location vistit BF Group - Bunny area .

Sooner you will get more information and tips to use your bunny feeder at this blog.